I had a baby

Hello world. Its a been a while, I have been enjoying the glorious and exhausting world of being a new Mum. As you can imagine the blog took a huge back seat while I navigated pregnancy and the birth of my baby.

But I am back and I am bursting with news, insights and musings about being a new Mum in a country that isn’t my own.

Our gorgeous boy, Bodhi, was born August 19th 2017 here in Barcelona. I have had 6 months of learning, crying, laughing and feeling like my heart will explode at any moment with the enormity of love it holds for this little being.

I have so much to share with you and over the coming weeks I will be writing some posts around what it was like to have my baby in Spain, how I managed and eventually enjoyed breast feeding as well as many other musings I have gathered since I started this adventure into motherhood.

If you have any questions for me feel free to add them into the questions or information you would like to know about being a new Mum in a new country, drop them in the comments below and I will happily craft some posts around them for you.



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