wanderlust photo series #1 | everyday Barcelona

“We crossed spacious streets, with buildings resembling palaces, in La Rambla promenade; the shops were well illuminated and there was movement and life… I did not decide to go to sleep, even though I wished to, so I could rise early and contemplate, in daylight, this city, unknown to me: Barcelona, capital of Catalonia ”  

HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSEN visits Barcelona, 1862

The epic ceiling of Estacio De Franca 
Day drawing to a close in Parc de la Ciutadella 
An intriguing piece of street art during my walk through El Poble Nou
The grand and beautiful Estacio De Franca
Feet up on the seats of the Renfe train after a long day!

All photo’s were taken with a Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and edited in VSCO by me Charlotte Joseph Smith Copyright 2016

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